Wireless communications has developed into a key element of modern society. From satellite transmission, radio and television broadcasting to the mobile telephone, wireless communications has revolutionized the way societies function. Different frequencies have different properties higher the frequency, the shorter the distance the signal will travel, but the greater the capacity of the signal to carry data.

These are used in various surveillance & security applications like VHF, Walkie talkie, Wireless CCTV etc. Various software like attendance analysis, access control reports payroll solution, UVSS & LPR data analysis, intelligent video analytics etc can be offered even with specific customization.

Technology can be deployed to spy and bugging efforts by detecting video or audio surveillance being carried out from your high profile and important premises. We can provide world class services for such environment for debugging and ensuring peace of mind. It can be applied on Doors, Half height turnstiles & Full height turnstile, Swing gates.

Screening Services

Screening services are the best solution to ensure those you hire or associate with are exactly the ones who they claim to be. These services are aimed at ensuring all critical aspects are screened, checked, verified with the relevant sources for their genuineness and validity. Dynamic Premium understands and relates to the omnipresent needs of background Verification right from short-listing to on boarding and to the employment phase. In order to address such requirements effectively, our service bouquet ranges from employee background check and senior & top executive screening to re- verification and periodic background check.

Dynamic Premium has put in a lot of thought into structuring its offerings to provide employee verification solutions for the right hiring at junior hierarchical levels, and advanced executive background check solutions for strategic job positions. Periodic background screening ensures continual compliance to companies’ screening policies.

Dynamic Premium has put in a lot of thought into structuring its offerings to provide Employee verification solutions Employee verification for the right hiring at junior hierarchical levels, and advanced executive background check solutions for strategic job positions. Periodic background screening ensures continual compliance to companies’ screening policies.